The Last Day

Today was the last day of school.  A little tug on my heart reminds me this is the last time I’ll watch one of my children review their homework over a bowl of cereal.  Their high school days are over.

I watch from somewhere outside myself as my daughter and I engage in our usual conversation going over the logistics of  the day. I am soaking in every last precious detail of this moment because I am quite aware that this is yet another chapter of my life coming to a close.

Through all these years, I feel,  I’ve been the one in school.  Everyday another lesson in motherhood, another lesson in life.  It has been an honor, a blessing, and a gift to experience the teachings of these children.

I’m glad to say school is not out for this mom,  yet. I’m praying that I  remain teachable, for my “I know” thinking has never served me well.  My children have been, and will continue to be the greatest teachers I have ever encountered.

From the door, I wave goodbye as I watch the tail lights of her car leave the driveway. The gratitude is overwhelming.


  1. Awe Janet…what a wonderful reflection on such a special moment…such profound words only a wonderful mother like you could write…you inspire me and oh so many others…Parker and I are grateful to have you in our lives…anytime you want to borrow Parker for a day, a week, a month (hee hee)…he’s all yours! 🙂